Day 4, 5 & 6 Blank Page Challenge – Revisit
A key take-away from my experience so far has been that the phrase not even scratching the surface does not even scratch the surface of explaining how much more there is to discover.
Does that make sense? Probably not.
This is because that sentence is just too much. It is too overwhelming. God is like that – full of overwhelming muchness.
I called this theme of seeking God for this week Blank Page with the idea that I felt like God wanted me to start afresh, intentionally surrendering myself to Him in new ways.
On Day 1, I focused inward on the thoughts and intentions of my heart, praying and seeking that God would change meandering, anxious, or unhealthy thoughts toward Him instead.
On Day 2, I focused outward, looking for Him to show up in the people and experiences of the day.
On Day 3, instead of being an observer, I explored taking action (or not) based on the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Of course, knowing God and striving to be more like Him is a lifelong work-in-progress with these seven days being a deeper dive for me – an intentional focus on surrender. But now, after three days, I need to revisit and repeat the first three.
As is just like God’s sense of humor, He refused to direct me to what each day’s challenge would be until the last minute. This meant I needed to pray intently to hear from Him about what I should post for the next day. This is the antithesis to my instincts and it was exactly what I was searching for – a desperation for Him to respond to my seeking, a desperation for Him.
And now, more at peace, and full of a greater awareness of all the many things I have yet to learn of Him, I need to start over at Day 1.
So for the next 3 days, I’m going to plan to revisit each of the prior days' challenges.
Tomorrow, I will pray and seek Him according to Isa. 26:3. The day after, I will pray and seek Him according to Psalm 139:16 and the day after that I will lean on Him to move through me according to John 15:5.
I have an inkling that on Day 7, Sunday – His Sabbath – I should put it all together to rest in Him completely. However, God likes to keep me on my toes so He might just delete my plans altogether and tell me post the video I took of myself dancing in my living room to Flo Rida's Club Can't Handle Me.
Guess we'll find out together.